

"Is there valet at this place?"


"Then Imma need you to wait for me cuz I don't have any money."

"Of course you don't. *sigh*"

"I don't know why in the world you're sighing."

"I don't either.  How far away are you?"

"Right around the corner."

"Okay.  I'm just pulling up now."

"Don't leave me out there looking dumb Candice."


"Candice?  Did you hear me?  Don't leave me hanging."

"Have I ever left you hanging Rebecca?"


"Exactly.  I'm here and I don't see you.  Where are you?  Oh...I see you now."

Candice waited until the valet attendant opened her door and grabbed her bag.  She stepped out of the truck and took the ticket.  Stood there as her sister pulled up behind her and watched as she stepped out of her car daintily her hand in the attendant's hand and him fawning over her as men have always done since Rebecca was born.  She let herself smile as she watched.  The tenderness she felt for her sister evident as she stood there with a sappy stupid smile on her face.

As always Rebecca was dressed impeccably.  Not a hair out of place and not a lump or bump that shouldn't be there.  Men always made fools of themselves over her big sister.  And, as always, Candice just hung back and watched.

"Hey baby sister."  Smiled Rebecca.

"Hey yourself." 

Rebecca hugged her and Candice stiffened up.

"Why you always gotta act so ugly?"

"Why you always gotta be hugging on people hell?"

"Loosen up.  All that frowning is gonna make you wrinkle immaturely."

"Whatever.  Regular trips to my aesthetician will counteract the effects."

"Smart ass."  Rebecca ticked while walking through the front door.

"Fat butt."

"What?  Looks like you've put on a few that's all."

"As you say...whatever.  You really should stop hatin."

"Hate is the new love so maybe I'm loving."

May I help you?

"Yes.  Bergeron." said Candice.

The hostess walked them to their table and Candice noticed the eyes following them.  Mainly Rebecca.  Always Rebecca.  If she were with any other woman those looks would be for her...but with Rebecca...it was always for Rebecca.

She smiled.

They were seated and placed their drink orders. 

Candice watched Rebecca pull out her phone.  She watched as she flipped through the numbers on her phone and felt the calm that always washed over her when she was with her sister.  Her life was so hectic that she always felt on edge as if any minute she was going to have to get up and save the world.  Again.  But with her sister she was transported to nights in the dark giggling with her as they snuck in each other's rooms and laughed.  Her sister had been the closest thing to a best friend in a woman she'd ever had and she missed her even as they lived 40 minutes away from each other because they lived such completely different lives.  Rebecca chose to stay close to their mother and step-father and Candice lived and breathed the city and couldn't bear to be away from it for even a day.

The waiter brought their drinks and they ordered.  Each of them ordered a fillet of fish and steamed veggies.  No bread please.

They were too vain for that. 

"So...what do you want?"  Candice stated looking Rebecca in her eyes.

"What makes you think I want something?"

The look on Rebecca's face said, am I stupid?  "Because we're here. In the middle of the day when you know I'm busy.  Because you called me 3 times when I was in a meeting and you left 3 messages with my assistant.  What do you want?  How much is this gonna cost me?"

"Is it always money with you?"

"With you it seems to be."

"I'm not about to get into that with you I told you Imma pay your azz back."

"Okay.  Just make it cash."

"How about pennies?  Would pennies do?"

"You're gonna get a dump truck to bring them to me?  Cuz that's a whole lotta pennies."

"You keeping track?"

"Hey...when someone says they are going to pay you back...you think on it from time to time."

"Well you'll get your money."

"Whatever.  Notice I'm not holding my breath. Now what's wrong?  Don't worry.  I brought my checkbook."

She took a sip of her water.  She noticed Rebecca's breath catch and suddenly she knew something was really wrong.  She leaned in sharply and did a quick look around.  Placed her hand over her sister's.


Rebecca looked up and the tears started falling.  She closed her eyes and inhaled.  Gulped a little.

"I have cancer."

And the room started spinning with their table as the axis.  All the colors swirled together and Candice felt her hand grip Rebecca's tighter, the air having all left her body, the tears quick and catching.  The lost feeling knocking her silent.  Mute.

"I have cancer Candice.  They found a lump.  They did a biopsy and it's cancer.  I have cancer Candice.  I have cancer."  The last was said watery. 

Candice stood up quickly.  She looked all around as if looking for a place to run to.  Her breath labored.  The air...gone...replaced with heat and she slowly lowered herself back to her seat.


"When what?"

"When was the biopsy?"

"Last week."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were working on that merger."

And her old friend anger rose up inside of her.  "What the fuck did that have to do with it?"

"You were busy."

"Gotdammit Rebecca I will strangle your azz!  Who went with you?"


"What the hell do you mean nobody? What about Patrice?"

"I didn't want to worry mom.  You know you shouldn't call your mother by her first name."

"Fuck that.  Why didn't you at least tell her?"

"I didn't feel like anyone knowing everything."

"What are the doctors saying?"

"They are recommending a mastectomy."

"Okay.  What about chemo?"

"I can't take chemo Candice."


"Because I'm pregnant."

And Candice's mouth hung open and she stared at her sister as if she just been duct taped to the chair. 

"Are you fucking with me?  I mean really?  You come in here and drop all this on me...you're fucking with me right?  You have cancer and you're pregnant?  Who the hell you pregnant for?"


"RON?  YOUR EX-HUSBAND RON???????????"

"Imma need you to calm down  Candy."

"Imma need you to understand that this ain't no calm situation."

"Um...people are looking."

"You knew that was gonna happen before you asked me to come to this damn place!"

"I didn't think you'd cut up this bad hell!"

"Don't be cussing me dammit!"

"How the hell you gonna tell me not to cuss and all you do is cuss?"

"I can cuss.  You can't.  How the hell you get pregnant by Ron?"

"He was in town and we went to dinner and um...things just progressed from there."

"So are yall dating again?"

"No.  I haven't spoken with him since."

"So let me get this straight.  You have cancer and you're pregnant.  By your ex-husband, who was basically a one night stand, and who doesn't know he's gonna be a daddy."

"Pretty much it."  She took a sip of her water.

"Does Patrice know about the baby?"


"Girl...she's gonna stroke out."

"Why you gotta say it like that?"

"Cuz you know she is.  Her perfect baby...bout to lose a boob and have an illegitimate baby."

"Damn Candice.  Why you gotta be so crass?" 

"I'm not lying hell.  She's gonna die messing around with your ass."

"Yeah...she's not going to take this well is she?"

"Hell no.  I can see her azz now passing out gingerly so as not to mess up her hair."

Laughing.  "Remember when she pretended to pass out when she found out Jeremy wasn't graduating?" 

"Lawd yes.  That was the funniest thing alive.  When she heard they were about to throw some water on her she jumped up."

They laughed.

Candice could only think about the cancer.

Rebecca could only think about the baby.

"So what are the doctors saying about the baby and the surgery?"

"Well, this complicates things of course.  They want me to get past the first trimester before surgery."

"How far along are you?"

"Eight weeks."

"You've been pregnant for eight weeks and haven't told me."

"I just found out last week after the biopsy."

"So what are we gonna do Becca?"

"I guess I'm having a baby."

"And Ron?"

"I don't know."

"So when are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know.  Do I have to?"

"Yes.  You have to."

"Who made you the moral compass?"

"You did.  I seem to recall a certain poster with 'Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes' all across it in the fifth grade."

"Why you always gotta bring up old stuff?"

"It's old shit.  Shit.  S-H-I-T."


"Girl...can I be there when you tell Patrice?  Please?"

"Stop being evil."

"I'm telling you.  She's gonna stroke out.  I hope she left me the silver and the crystal."

"You are evil."

Their food arrived and they got quiet and played with their food.



"I love you and I'm going to be there for everything."

"Yeah.  I know.  Oh yeah...I need some money."

"I brought my checkbook."

"And I might want to stay with you.  Patrice be tripping."

"You got the key."

"Why you gotta be like that all the time?"

"Like what?"

"All blunt."

"I was raised by wild elephants in the jungles of upstate New York."

Sigh.  "Seriously."

"Cuz I was raised by beautiful women and a man who loved beautiful women."


"It's cool bruh.  So...we're gonna have a baby huh?"

Rebecca smiled.  "Yes.  We're gonna have a baby."

"You know you're gonna get fat right?"


"What?  You don't think you're gonna get fat?  You fat now.  Look at you.  Balloon booty."

"That's why I can't tell you nothing...you always gotta be joking."

"You prolly won't even be able to fit through the door tomorrow.  Eat up."

"I hate you."

"I know.  You're gonna hate me even more when you're fat."

"Whatever.  This fish is good."

"Too bad no chemo."

"Um?  Huh?"

"Means you get to keep your hair.  A bald, fat you would be good for my ego."

"And you wonder why I don't pay you back money."

"Nope...I never wonder.  I already know the deal.  Eat up.  You're eating for two."

Under it all...they are sisters bound by blood always and forever.  It's not going to be an easy road.   And they know this. 

- See more at: http://creoleindc.typepad.com/rantings_of_a_creole_prin/2008/12/sisters.html#more