Plant Stand Makeover in Annie Sloan Provence and Dark Wax

This was tragic in the beginning. TRA-GIC!

I thought it was going to be a simple job of stripping and then painting but noooooooooooooo!  It had been painted and then covered with contact paper and then?  PAINTED AGAIN!  I didn't get anywhere with an entire can of Citristrip because of the stupid contact paper.  Once I got the top coats of paint off, then I had to pull off the contact paper and THEN I had to strip that paint off.  Seriously...I almost gave up on this thing thinking that a plant stand just really isn't worth all this trouble so I left it alone for a few days and worked on something else.  Then I thought about how gorgeous my trailing begonia would look on it so I stripped it, sanded it and painted it.  Then?  I got jiggy with it and used my stencils to put a few designs on it.  After that, I used 100 grit sandpaper to distress all the edges of the wood and went over it with dark wax.   

And now?  Me happy!  Had I known about all of the layers of paint and the contact paper in the middle?  Yeah...Idda passed.  I never want to do that again.  

Isn't it purdy?