"Compound" Updates and Cast List?

Smooches all!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry but I found out that I can't post the story in it's entirety somewhere else.  I actually might have to delete what I've already posted here.  If you want to continue reading it (there are now 23 chapters), you're going to have to use Wattpad.  Sorry.  Once I actually read and paid attention to what I was reading in the rules, I realized I was messing up.

If you are reading on Wattpad, thank you so much.  It's because of you that it is so high up in the rankings.  Like...I'm amazed at how well it's doing seeing as though there are millions of works on the site and my book stays in the two and three hundred rankings.  

If you aren't reading there, I sure wish you would.  

Please remember that the rankings are determined by reader engagement so, if you like it, please vote, comment, and add to your reading list so you get updates immediately.

Special thanks to onefromphilly!  She knows why!  LOL!

Oh...and here is the "cast list."  That's a pretty cool feature on Wattpad that I am truly enjoying so far.