Size 22 Model

I overheard a conversation yesterday about the Sports Illustrated first plus sized model.  They said she was a size 22.  I just asked Mr. Google about it and turns out they were wrong.  The plus sized model in Sports Illustrated is NOT a size's this chick:

Her name is Robin Lawley and she's a regular size 10 person so yeah...I'm confused that she is considered "plus size."


I think they were talking about this model, Tess Holiday who is the first sized 22 model to sign with a major agency.

I kept listening to the conversation unchecked and overheard a guy say that whenever an anorexic model is shown, people lose their shit so why should it be any different with a size 22 model since they both have unhealthy bodies.

I didn't join in on the conversation so I didn't say anything but I've been thinking about what he said.  I just had the conversation with someone and they had some interesting things to say too.

What do YOU think?  Overweight people can be perfectly healthy right?  But anorexic people never are.  Are all versions of what folks consider extreme as it relates to weight...unhealthy?

Overweight people exist so why shouldn't there be models to represent them in the fashion world?  We all wear clothes right?