Hanging Family from Tree. Halloween Decor?

So...a home on the Ft. Campbell military base had the above as Halloween decor.  


Neighbors complained and, when brought to the attention of the occupant...they removed it.

Someone in the comments of the article defended the occupant saying that it's Halloween and people shouldn't be so sensitive.  It's just scary stuff.

What are your thoughts?  Does it concern you that SOMEONE who lives in that house is in our military?

Are We All Undercover Racists?


On Saturday I got really, really pissed off.  Like...angrier than I've been in a long, long time.  See...I try and be kinder and gentler and not let SIP out as much these days.  Growth and all that.

Let me paint the picture for you...

I was told that I could park somewhere while I got my volunteering on.  Several hours later I returned to my truck and it was fine.  Several hours later...I returned to my truck and...still fine.  Few hours later and I'm ready to roll out...and a car had blocked me in.

Someone went to go see what the what as I waited patiently thinking the person who blocked the cars in was just running in and out somewhere quickly.  When it became apparent that wasn't the case, I got out of my truck and followed the direction of the people who went to go see what was what.

I walked in on an argument and the person whose car was blocking the cars of the volunteers was saying that we needed to pay him to move his car.

Um...now say what now?

I didn't address the owner of the car...I addressed the person who was attempting to handle the situation.  I said...I'm not paying him anything...call the police.  He's impeding my movement and I consider it a form of kidnapping.  Call the police and let the police sort it all out.  Simple.  He doesn't own that area, you were told we could all park there.  I'm not about to be extorted by this dude.

So the dude in question was all super arrogant and whatnot.  The kind of person who has gotten over before and plans to do it again because he normally does this with good church folk who don't want no trouble.

Hi...I'm SIP...I don't mind trouble.  CALL THE POLICE!

So...I noticed that he got a bit nervous when cameras started snapping and folks started pulling out their phone to call the police as I'm continuing to tell folks to call the police.  (I'd left my phone in my truck.)  I head back to my truck to get my phone and he comes out with the other people and moves his car.  I am FURIOUS at this dude and I say a few choice words without cursing to him once I'd moved my truck.  He felt that it could probably escalate so he didn't say anything until AFTER I'd walked away.  Because of the company I was keeping...I stopped talking.

But BAAAAAAAAABY...the things I was thinking?  NO.CUT.

Now...it should be noted that I don't have a problem with many folks.  Just ignorant mofos.  I don't really care what you're doing with your life, who you are, etc. as long as you aren't messing with me or mine.  I just stay away from you and don't give two figs about what you have going on.  Ignant ish however?  I have a problem with.

I thought some really horrible things about the guy, who was dressed in traditional Muslim headgear.  You can imagine as you've probably heard these things before.  I didn't feel bad about my thoughts either...I was just furious with an ignant mofo who was coming at me all wrong.  I didn't know anything about him other than, at that moment, I wished the ground would open up and swallow his ignant azz up or that I could have yanked him out of his car and slapped him silly.

Now...during some quiet reflecting, I started thinking about insults and how not many of us have problems slinging them or thinking them when we feel insulted.  These insults...does it mean we have a problem with ALL people who share the trait, characteristic or similarity we used as an insult?


And I thought about the firemen fighting last week.  The fireman who called the other one an offensive slur...did it mean he hated all Black people...or...could it mean that he just REALLY not like that one Black person in particular and wanted to insult him to his core just to let him know exactly how much he couldn't stand his azz? 

I mean...I don't have a problem with Muslims.  Period.  I believe everyone should be allowed to practice their religion because I'll be damned if someone is going to  tell me that I can't practice my religion my way.  I certainly don't think all people who are obviously not FROM here are illegal and I don't think all people from the Middle East are terrorists.  Not even in the slightest.  Dare I be all cliche' as hell here and say that some of my FAVORITE people are Muslim because well...it's true.  Very true.  

But it made me think about what we do, think and say when we are mad as hell at one particular person.  It made me wonder about insults and what it means that we have them so readily available in our verbal arsenal...

So...I ask you, In 2014...can we insult people who have HIGHLY offended us using slurs without said slur being a blanket statement across the board?  Do YOU think offensive insults that you'd never say out loud?  Do you think it means you're a little bit racist?  Have you ever thought about this?

The Move that Won't Quit

The speed by which this move came up on us left me woefully unprepared.  I'm in the middle of re-writes and I had to focus on that straight up.  

We went through several different iterations of how we'd do the move.  Leave stuff here, stay with family until beginning of year all the way to the current plan which is to rent a house down there temporarily until we figure out where we will buy/build.  

So...the search for a rental house started and the pickings were slim.  For a temporary move, we didn't need much...just simple you know?  The less money we spend, the more money we save towards next house.

The first house we liked became unavailable so we had to look for another house.  We got the other house but it won't be available until November 1...so...we wait. 

And it's killing me.

I'm living in complete chaos.  Boxes packed, furniture moved around.  Art off walls.  Curtains down.  Patching up going on.  Hey...you know the deal.  

And now...my new problem?  The Robinator decided that maybe I'm not equipped for the drive down so he'll fly up and drive down with Jaru and I'll fly down.  For some odd reason, he seems to think I can't do a super long road trip.  Wonder where he got that idea?  Well...that's all fine and dandy with me but guess what?  Penske's vehicle towing thingy doesn't fit my truck.


No really...*BLINK*

Wheels are too wide or something or the other is what the rep told me.  


I don't have the big Rover.

I have the baby one.

But it's too big.


I've seen mini-vans being hauled but my truck is too wide?

I will solve this problem too.

I have to.

I'm not having a good day.

Tell me something good.



Is Sharing Problems Necessary to be Close?

People talk to me.  Always have.  They tell me stuff that has been weighing heavy on them.  Strangers, family, framily, friends.  I always listen and, according to the situation, I take a few quiet moments before I respond because I take it seriously.  I mean...it's hard for a person to share something they are struggling with when they would like further clarification.  No matter who the person is they are confiding in.

Because of all this...I've determined that there isn't much new under the sun even as there have been a few times when I've been speechless initially and all I could do was *BLINK*.

A while ago, someone came to me and shared a situation that has been bothering her for a minute now.  See...she has a good group of girlfriends.  They all spend a lot of time together.  Most of them are stay-at-home moms living the perfect life outside in.  The person telling me this is married, in a high powered corporate position and her husband is a high-level executive as well.  They have children and all the things that come with having children.  House, cars, private schools, family vacations, mommy group meetings, sorority and fraternity meetings, couple vacations, girlfriend trips, sports, dance, tutoring, church, etc.

On the couple vacations they travel with the couples in the good group of girlfriends.  During the girlfriend trips, they go someplace fabulous and enjoy being with each other without husbands and children.

All seems pretty lovely from where I'm sitting listening to this.  

That good life ish.

So the person telling me this...(We'll call her Olive...just because I'm sitting next to a character analysis of a character I'm working on named Olive.  LOL!)...OLIVE is busy.  EXTREMELY busy.  Climbing her level of corporate ladder is hard work and the industry she is in is fast paced.  Her husband is in the same industry.  Think BIG.PAYCHECKS.

Olive is textbook Type A personality.  Olive comes from a Type A family of "NO EXCUSES."  She has always been the type of person who saw a problem and dealt with it head-on and she doesn't let much rattle her.  When it comes to home and family, she's learned to leave the stresses of work at the office and focus on her marriage and her children being happy and healthy.  So...she's the kind of person that doesn't complain much because she's learned that complaining doesn't fix a damn thing.  If something is wrong, pull up your sleeves and fix it.

Olive's husband is very hand's on with the kids and he loves his wife.  He's much less of a Type A personality than his wife is and follows her lead on certain things like finding the best schools, etc.  Olive and her husband have the perfect relationship for them.  Of course there are disagreements because hey...that's marriage, but nobody has ever left the house, drove off mad and stayed gone.  They might stew in it for a minute...but, Olive's point is..."Hey...we got these kids.  Ain't nobody got time for crazy."

Once a month, Olive's close group of girls (sorority sisters and mommy group friends) all get together for a girl's night out.  Lots of wine is normally involved and it generally ends up turning into an emotional dump for everyone.  They bitch about their husbands, their children, their mother-in-laws, all of that.  Olive tries to be the person who helps bring it all into perspective.  "Girl, your husband loves you, all men do crazy ish, you shouldn't take everything your mother-in-law says as an insult, the other parent at the school might not have been trying to one up you, your husband just bought you a new Audi for Christmas and yall have that big azz house, do you really think it's wise to expect him to take you on that 3 week trip to Europe for your birthday in February when his company just announced layoffs are looming?"


She tries to be encouraging and supportive.  

She invites their children over for sleepovers so that a couple who sounds like they are having issues can have some downtime together.  She just tries to help whenever she can but she's not the type of person who asks for help from anyone outside of her family.  When she needs someone to watch her kids, she has a babysitter.  When she and her husband travel together, either her mother or her husband's mother comes to stay with the kids.  They just aren't the type of people who ask other people to do stuff for them.

She is helpful where she can be helpful.

It never fails, however, that when Olive is headed home after the monthly bitch session that she thinks to herself..."Why are they always bitching about simple shit?  If your husband did some shit that pissed you off...why in the hell didn't you tell him about it instead of stewing in it for weeks?  If your mother-in-law came to help you unpack your beautiful new home, why are you mad that she put the glasses in a cabinet you didn't want them in?  Why not simply say...Mama J...would you mind putting those glasses in that cabinet instead?  If your husband's sister needs a place to stay for two weeks while she transitions to the city...why not welcome her with open arms and make it as comfortable for her as possible in the guest suite that is on a completely opposite end of  your big azz house that you had to have that your husband, her brother, works hard to provide while you get to stay home while the kids are at school and pick them up after?"

Yall get the picture.  

She doesn't SAY these things to them like that...but she does let them know that these situations wouldn't be a big deal TO HER.

Recently, at a monthly dress up, get wasted and bitch session, everyone got quiet awkwardly and started staring at Olive.  Olive took a sip of her wine and was like...

"What's up?"

The head complainer (who you'd honestly think was living the most miserable life given to man), started with...

"We want to talk to you."

Olive looked around the table, put on her game face and sat up straight.  (You know...that way you do when your boss calls you into her/his office saying he/she needs to talk to you.)

"Okay, talk.  What's going on?"

Head Complainer:  "We were all talking (Olive made note of that) and we realized that you never share with us.  You never tell us anything that is bothering you.  You never talk about anything going on with you and Chris (made up name for fictitious Olive's husband) or anything.  It's all very surface with you and you always come across as everything is so perfect and not a big deal."

Olive sits back and says, "No, never said anything is perfect, but I just don't let the same types of things bother me that appear to bother yall."

Head Complainer:  "Oh come on...so Chris doesn't do ANYTHING that pisses you off?"

Olive:  "Chris annoys the shit out of me all the time but at the end of the day, he's my husband and the father of my children and I'm not about to drag him."

Head Complainer:  "Oh...you mean like we do?"

Olive:  "Hey...Chris pissed me off yesterday morning.  He knew I had an early morning meeting and, instead of putting his car in the garage last night after the gym, he pulled up in the driveway behind where my car comes out of the garage.  So I had to move his car before I could move my car because he was upstairs getting the kids ready for school.  But I moved the car and got to my meeting on time.  I was annoyed but then he called and said he couldn't find the brush to do our daughter's hair and I realized that him getting the kids ready alone this morning was something I should be grateful for because I know a lot of people whose husbands don't help with that sort of thing."

Head Complainer:  "Like my husband."

Olive:  "Your words, not mine.  I've never let Chris think that I was Superwoman.  WE have kids and a home and bills and family and friends to take care of.  Not just me.  WE.  So that means WE need to do what needs to be done.  If he gets home first, he starts dinner.  He takes the kids to school, I pick them up.  I am not a single mother so there is no reason I need to do everything for our kids on my own."

The other women started looking down at their drinks at this point while Head Complainer kept complaining saying how they all wanted to be close and felt that Olive holds back for whatever reason.  It ended with Olive basically saying, "Look...I've seen bad marriages.  My parents had one.  I learned to not let small shit wreck my flow because I don't have time for that.  I don't have the luxury to nor do I want to not work.  I put in solid 9 hours of work before I get home to my family and I don't want to be miserable or unhappy so I don't let little stuff annoy me.  I just want my kids to be happy and healthy and I want to grow old with my husband and travel the world with him once we get our last kid out of college in 20 years or so.  I don't want to be mad all the time.  I don't want to hold stuff in all the time.  Me and my husband get it out.  Yall have been with us and seen it in action.  And we're always respectful, because we respect each other and we know how busy we are and what we don't have time for.  I'm sorry yall think I don't share intentionally but that's not the case...I simply don't stay annoyed about small shit long enough for it to be share worthy."

They all hugged and kissed kumbayaish and left after the subjects changed.

But it was awkward.  Tre' awkward.

On the drive home...Olive was feeling some kind of way.  She focused on the fact they all got together and had an intervention because she didn't bitch about her life the way they did.  As Olive turned into her driveway she wondered...SHOULD I BACK UP OFF THESE CHICKS?  

When she shared it with me, that was her question to me.

I pondered it and answered her even though I didn't need to ponder it.  I knew what I was going to say immediately.  I just didn't want to come across as ugly.

What would YOU have told her?  

What do YOU think about the "intervention?"  

Do you feel like you have to share everything in order to be close with your girlfriends?

Mid-Term Elections: November 4, 2014

One of the things I adore about yall is that I know this isn't something many of you need to be told.  Yall vote.  I'm putting this here for you to share however...cuz we all know plenty of people who don't understand the importance of voting in mid-term elections.  Not voting is why statistics such as those in Ferguson exist.

Pass it on. 

Spare Me Your Outrage: Black Donor's Sperm Sent to White Parents

Black Donor's Sperm Mistakenly Sent to White Parents: Lawsuit

In the news this week has been a White woman, who is a lesbian (only pointing those things out because of what will follow), and is suing a sperm bank because they paired the couple's eggs with the sperm of a Black man.

They'd picked out the man they wanted to buy the sperm of and that man was NOT Black.

The couple did NOT want a Black baby.  Dare I say the thought never crossed their mind even.  I mean really.  They live in, apparently, the whitest black-out area of Ohio.


I was reading articles about it and ran across a bunch of comments to the tune of, "Oh, they want people to show them tolerance because they are gay but they can't show tolerance to their daughter for being mixed race."


And I side-eyed the hell out of that.

Who said they weren't showing their daughter tolerance?  Um...nobody said that.  

Now...let's get this ish clear.  

If I paid a doctor to remove my left cancerous breast and I woke up from surgery and my right breast was gone and the cancerous breast was still there...oh...there would be some nonsense from me regarding.  I will cut the smooth fool while texting my lawyer to get the lawsuit prepared STAT!  You can't put my FOR REAL breast back.  Sure...I can get a replacement boob...but it's not the same.  I'd sue the ish outta that doctor, the hospital...hell I might even sue his damn dog.

Now...the people didn't want a Black baby.  When they realized their baby was Black, they didn't try and give her back.  Hell...it's their baby.  But they can't change that she's Black.  I read their concerns of raising a Black child in their super White world and hell...I GET IT!  They didn't say a dang thing wrong with the challenges they are going to face.  The world we live in is hard on us Black people up, down, left and right so don't act like that's some new-new ish that these women made up.  THAT IS REAL TALK!  They chose to self-segregate themselves for an entire lifetime...oh...but they gon' learn today!  LOL!

So yeah...spare me the ri-damn-diculous outrage that they are suing because they got a Black baby when they were supposed to get a White baby.  I've seen some of you fools clown because they put pickles on your burger at *INSERT FAST FOOD CHAIN HERE* so don't act like you wouldn't clown like somebody stole your damn bike if this happened to you.




Now, I get it.  I understand that in a perfect world we would all have framily and friends with different skin colors and not buy into stereotypes of any kind.  It's annoying as fug that these people never knew any Black people until they went off to college but that's not as uncommon as you may think.  It ain't right and I always side eye the hell out of people who tell me this but it's their truth and, because it is their truth doesn't make them bad people.  Sure, they lived in their all White world and it didn't bother them until they had a Black daughter and that's a part of a bigger problem that our entire country has.  Not just the lesbian couple, because I read a recent study that said over 75% of White Americans don't have any non-White friends.  *BLINK*

Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends

AND...I know a whole lot of Black people without any non-Black friends too.  It's the world we've all contributed to.  We've nurtured the beast as far as race is concerned and there is absolutely nothing any of us can do about it on a whole it seems so we simply have to work with what we can work with.  Our own individual steps.  Make a friend who doesn't look like you.  Shouldn't be that hard in my opinion.  But hey...I digress.  

What say you?  You mad that the couple is suing or do you get it?  Do they have a grievance in your opinion?  Would YOU sue if you were in their shoes?  And...would you have sued sooner?  Like...the day the baby was born and you noticed that she was not White?


When I get mad, you can't tell me nothing.  You can't dangle a carrot in my face and think I'm going to take the carrot and settle down somewhere.  See...I expect certain things to be unfair and have prepared myself for disappointments so I don't get that darn mad often...but when I get mad fo' real?  POOT.YOU.

Seems to me, this is what's going down in Ferguson right now.  People are mad.  FO.REAL.MAD.  Not the kind of mad where you can have a good meal and get over it after a back rub...but the kind of mad that will make you skip a meal or two because dammit...you're tired.